Home » 2020 (Page 4)

Carrion luggage

Carrion luggage – why are vultures flying commercial, anyway? Two vultures took a trip on a 747, each carrying a dead rabbit under their wing. As they were going through the airport preparing to board, an airplane employee if they would like to stow their “luggage.” “No, thanks,”...
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Buying stamps at the post office

Buying stamps at the post office – what denomination would you like? A woman went to her local Post Office to buy stamps for her Christmas cards. The clerk, needing to know what stamps she wanted, asked her “What denomination would you like?”
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Funny movie quotes from The Alphabet Murders [Tony Randall]

Funny movie quotes from The Alphabet Murders
Funny movie quotes from The Alphabet Murders, Tony Randall, Anita Ekberg, Robert Morley Hastings (Robert Morley): Where have you been? What have you been doing?Hercule Poirot (Tony Randall): Arranging a little extra insurance, my friend.Hastings (Robert Morley): Oh really? Personally I always feel perfectly safe with British railways....
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