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A long way to tip a Rary

Groaner pun alert – a long way to tip a Rary — enjoy!

A man goes into a pet shop and asks for something unusual.

The owner shows him a rabbit-like animal, and says, “This is a Rary. They only move about by rolling around, and to get one started you have to give it sort of a pat, but they’re clean.”

So the man buys the Rary, but after it’s been home for a while, it starts rolling about uncontrollably and breaking his things.

The shop owner won’t take it back, so he drives 100 km out of town to a tall cliff, intending to give it a push off.

He meets someone there, and after hearing the story, the fellow remarks, “That’s a long way to tip a Rary!”

(Editor’s note: this is a riff on the famous song, It’s a Long Way to Tipperary)

4 thoughts on “A long way to tip a Rary

  1. Wible says:

    There was a comedy series on UK tv in either the late 60s or early 70s where a person falls out of a window with the punch line ” that’s a long way to tip a rary”. Also in the series was an episode where male students are trying to seduce female students by hypnotising them. Despite this, a young Madeline Smith slaps them despite being hypnotised. Does anyone else remember this.

    1. Don Rankine says:

      The British radio show “My Word” featured Dennis Norton and Frank Muir and their hilarious ad lib explanations of certain phrases which they had to develop during the skill testing period, and recite near the end of the program.

      One of my favorites was the “It’s a long way to tip a rary.”
      Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find it on the web , as yet.

      1. Philip Griffiths says:

        I was just looking for that lol

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