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Embarrassing dinner party

The story is told of when Jane Wyman was married to Ronald Reagan and was planning an elegant dinner party.  She was going to be entertaining some Very Important People, and she wanted every last detail to be just right.  To ensure that, she left a note pinned...
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pajamas as a Christmas gift

During the shopping rush of the Christmas season, a girl was shopping for a Christmas gift for her brother.  She found a very attractive pair of pajamas, and finally managed to find a sales clerk to find out the price.
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The taxi in Chicago

The taxi in Chicago
A man in Chicago, who had been trying to hail a cab for 15 minutes, finally succeeded.  The cab came to a stop, but before he could enter an older woman wearing jewels and furs jumped in.  Disturbed, the man walked to the cabbie before he pulled away.
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Funny movie quotes from Oliver the Eighth

Funny movie quotes from Oliver the Eighth starring Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Mae Busch
Funny movie quotes from Oliver the Eighth starring Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Mae Busch Stan Laurel: [reading newspaper] Listen to this… wealthy young widow with large fortune wishes to communicate with congenial young man. Object: matrimony. Oliver Hardy: It’s probably some old crab with a face that would...
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Grandmothers – an essay by an 8-year-old

Grandmothers - an essay by an 8-year-old
A grandmother is a lady who has no children of her own, so she likes other people’s little girls. A grandfather is a man grandmother. He goes walks with the boys and they talk about fishing, tractors, and like that. Grandmothers don’t have to do anything but be...
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The dying man’s request

There was an old man who lived by a forest. As he grew older and older, he started losing his hair, until one day, on his deathbed, he was completely bald. That day, he called his children to a meeting…
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