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Red Skelton – headline news
Red Skelton – headline news – From Red Skelton’s Avalon Time radio show, where Red reads the newspaper & uses it to tell newspaper headline jokes
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Embarrassing dinner party
The story is told of when Jane Wyman was married to Ronald Reagan and was planning an elegant dinner party. She was going to be entertaining some Very Important People, and she wanted every last detail to be just right. To ensure that, she left a note pinned...
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Dress for success
Dress for success? Albert Einstein disproves that “the clothes make the man” in this funny anecdote!
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Bill Clinton dreams of the gates of Heaven
Bill Clinton dreams of the gates of Heaven – So, what will happen when Bill Clinton approaches the heavenly gates? One night, former president Bill Clinton dreamed that he had died, and approached the Pearly Gates of Heaven. After knocking at the gates, St. Peter appeared. “Who goes there?”...
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Death notice for the Pillsbury Dough boy
Please join me in remembering yet another great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection
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Chuck Norris one-line jokes
Some *very* funny one-liner jokes about Chuck Norris,
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Bob knows everybody
Bob knows everybody – Do you know one of those annoying people who claims that they know everyone? What if it was true?
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10 Things You Learn About Americans From ‘BayWatch’
It’s a very sad commentary that foreigners might learn these ‘truths’ about Americans from watching ‘Baywatch‘
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The hen lays, or the hen lies?
Someone asked Calvin Coolidge if, where he came from, people say that a hen lays an egg, or the hen lies an egg – the exciting answer!
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