Joe Biden’s Lie of the Day – It’s sad, but true — the sitting president of the USA literally lies blatantly, on a daily basis. And sometimes they’re unintentionally hilarious!
We fought a war in 1960? June 29, 2023
Editor’s note: There was a war in 1960? He might be referring to the Civil War back in 1860, where the North prevented the Southern Democrats from seceding from the Union, and made them free their slaves. And frankly — there is no right to privacy in the Constitution. There’s a right against unreasonable search and seizure, but the “right to privacy” was made up out of thin air to justify abortion. It’s not in the Constitution. The only way for there to be a Constitutional right to privacy is to amend the U.S. Constitution.
Constitution or Declaration of Independence? June 29, 2023
Editor’s note: No, it doesn’t. That’s the Declaration of Independence. Joe Biden should know better (as any USA citizen should)
Truck knocked over a bridge? June 28, 2023
Record job growth? June 27, 2023
The USA is 300 years old? June 22, 2023
BIDEN: “We have caused damage, the United States, the way we’ve developed over the last 300 years…”
[Editor’s note: For anyone else as historically illiterate as Joe Biden, the USA was created in 1776 — 300 years won’t be until the year 2076]
A gun brace will change the caliber of a gun? June 16, 2023
#1 killer of kids – June 16, 2023
Building a bridge across the Pacific? June 14, 2023
“We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean”
Joe Biden
Gay people thrown out of restaurants in 2023? June 10, 2023
Something’s very wrong with America when you can be thrown out of a restaurant for being gay
Joe Biden
Editor’s Note: Can he name the restaurants where this happened in 2023? Of course not. #lieoftheday. Also, @harrisfaulkner was thrown out of a restaurant, for praying over her food. Will he call the restaurant out on their bigotry?
“It’s wrong that extreme officials are pushing hateful bills targeting transgender children… They’re not somebody else’s kids — They’re all our kids.”
Joe Biden
Editor’s note: No, the children are not the government’s kids, nor do they belong to the society. They are raised by parents who are responsible for their welfare. And preventing genital mutilation is not “hateful”.
Lost our son in Iraq – June 9, 2023
President Biden said Friday in North Carolina that “we lost our son in Iraq” — repeating a factual error he’s made at least three other times in the past year. Biden, 80, spoke of his late son Beau’s death while telling a community college audience about how he intended to retire before ultimately running for president in 2020. “Barack [Obama] and I spent eight years together and then the new administration came in. And in the meantime, things changed in our life, in our family — I lost my son, we lost our son in Iraq,” Biden said. Beau Biden died of brain cancer at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., in May 2015 — about 20 months before his father left office as veep. The elder Biden is the oldest-ever president, and his repeated misstatements about his son’s death have stoked questions about his mental acuity as he seeks re-election. Read more at…
New York Post
B – I – L – O – I – O – N dollars – May 9, 2023
“We cut the deficit by $160 billion dollars! BILLION! B – I – L – O – I – O – N dollars…!”
Joe Biden,
Joe Biden’s Lie of the Day – projection – May 8, 2023
The lie:

The Truth, courtesy of @USMC_Reina

KJP – a strong wind would knock over a border wall? May 8, 2023
“An ineffective wall, again an ineffective wall, that can’t even withstand strong winds …”
Karine Jean Pierre, Biden spokesperson
KJP – the only country in the world that has to deal with gun violence? May 8 2023
“This is the only country in the world…that has to deal with gun violence, mass shootings in this way.”
Karine Jean Pierre, Biden spokesperson
Of course, the reality is quite different:
It’s another lie
Mass Shootings by Country 2023 Population of USA- 339,996,563

My economy’s better than Trump’s? May 6, 2023
Hunter did nothing wrong? May 5, 2023
“”My son’s done nothing wrong. I trust him, I have faith in him, and it impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him.”
Joe Biden, on “The 11th Hour”
Editor’s note: So, clearly buying crack cocaine, hiring prostitutes, lying on a gun form are all now redefined as “nothing wrong”. Not to mention the multitude of bribery and influence peddling charges.
Redefining “major press conference” – May 5, 2023
“I’m doing a major press conference this afternoon, so I love you all, but I’d like to ask you to leave.”
Joe Biden, mistaking an interview for a major press conference.
Taking the border very seriously? May 4, 2023
“I can’t say what [the border] is going to look like after May 11th…this is an administration that has taken the challenges that we see at the border very seriously since day one.”
Karine Jean Pierre, Biden spokesperson
Reducing illegal immigration by 90%? May 1, 2023
“When it comes to illegal migration, you have seen it come down by more than 90%, and that’s because of the actions that this president has taken.”
Karine Jean Pierre, Biden spokesperson
Twitter’s Community Notes:
The number of migrants crossing the US southern border has hit a 20 year record high. U.S. border officials recorded 25% jump in migrant crossings in March.
Joe Biden’s Lie of the Day – April 26, 2023 – Grandpop died 2 weeks earlier a year later?
“My grandpop…died in the same hospital I was born in two weeks before I was born”
Joe Biden
Editor’s note: a blatant lie. Biden’s “grandpop” died in Baltimore, MD, in September 1941 — and Biden wasn’t born until November 1942 in Scranton, PA.
Joe Biden’s Lie of the Day – April 20, 2023 – Pro-Union?
“I make no apologies for being the most pro-union president in American history.”
Joe Biden

[Updated June 11, 2023]