Home » 2013

Funny movie quotes from Rockin’ Thru the Rockies

Funny movie quotes from Rockin’ Thru the Rockies Funny movie quotes from the Three Stooges in Rockin’ Thru the Rockies – Moe, Larry and Curly in the old American West, guiding a minstrel show thru the Rockies, dealing with hostile Indians, snowstorm, bear, ice fishing, and their own ineptness.
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Fishing on the lake in a rented boat

Fishing on the lake in a rented boat
Fishing on the lake in a rented boat – What happens when two foolish fishermen find a good fishing spot … and decide to mark the spot. Two foolish fisherman decided to rent a boat on a lake to go fishing.  After fishing for four hours at different places...
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Funny movie quotes from Studio Stoops

Funny movie quotes from Studio Stooges, starring the Three Stooges
Funny movie quotes from Studio Stooges, starring the Three Stooges Funny movie quotes from Studio Stoops – where the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry and Shemp) try to be PR men, who come up with the “stunt” of their movie star being kidnapped – only for real crooks to do...
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Twas the night before Christmas – clown version

Twas the night before Christmas - clown version
poetry – ‘Twas the night before Christmas – a clown version T’€™was the night before Christmasand all through our townsThe birthday King has summoned His clowns Clowns to bring joy in the midst of the night,Clowns to share happiness for children’s delight. With strange colored hair,and size seventeen...
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Tis not the season

Tis not the season - A parody of Deck the Halls talking about the perversion of what Christmas is supposed to be about - suitable for clown skits
Tis not the season – A parody of Deck the Halls talking about the perversion of what Christmas is supposed to be about – suitable for clown skits (To the tune of “€œDeck The Halls”) ‘Tis the season to be greedy!Fa la la la la, La la la...
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The clown and the singing contest

The clown and the singing contest – How did the clown win the medal in the singing contest? Clown 1: Wow, what a nice silver medal!  How did you win it? Clown 2: By singing! Clown 1: And how did you win the gold medal?
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Bit on the ear

Bit on the ear – how the clown bit himself on the ear Hobo Clown: Ouch! Oh, my ear, my ear! White face clown: What’s the matter? Hobo Clown : I just bit my own ear! White face clown: That’s impossible. How can someone bite himself on the ear?
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Republicans versus Democrats on celebrating Christmas

Republicans versus Democrats on celebrating Christmas
Republicans versus Democrats on celebrating Christmas – And you thought you could tell Republicans from Democrats by how they vote. Not so! Just observe how they act during the holidays…… Republican say “Merry Christmas!”Democrats say “Happy Holidays!”€ Republicans help the poor during the holidays by sending $50 to the...
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