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One line Thanksgiving jokes

One line Thanksgiving jokes, or ‘groaners’ as my mother-in-law calls them … unless Alex Trebek tells them, of course

  1. What did the turkey say just before he was roasted?
    Boy, am I stuffed!
  2. What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to?
    Plymouth Rock.
  3. How did the Mayflower show that it liked America?
    It hugged the shore.
  4. Why did the police arrest the turkey?
    They suspected it of fowl play.
  5. What’€™s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?
    The turKEY.
  6. Why did they let the turkey join the band?
    Because he had the drumsticks.
  7. What happened to the Pilgrim who was shot at by an Indian?
    He had an arrow escape.
  8. Why did the Indian chief wear so many feathers?
    To keep his wigwam.
  9. Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?
    The outside.


Thanksgiving Jokes

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