Darth Vader Christmas pun

Darth Vader Christmas pun

Darth Vader Christmas pun – Darth Vader in a Christmas joke? A groaner of a pun as well! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

The fight between good and evil, an epic battle: Darth Vader and Luke. Suddenly in the middle of the fight, Darth Vader pulls Luke to him, and whispers “I know what you’re getting for Christmas!”

Luke exclaims “But how??!?”

“It’s true Luke, *breathe* I know what you’re getting for Christmas.”

Luke tries to ignore this, but tears himself free, screaming “How could you know this?!”

Vader replies, “I felt your presents.”


Tom Raymond

Professional clown who loves to laugh - happily married for 29 years, with 5 children and 1 grandson. Servant of Jesus Christ.

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