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A sign from God

A sign from God – funny story illustrating how we tend to ‘use’ God to excuse ourselves – and break our diets in the process!

An overweight friend was trying to lose weight for the holidays, and at first he seemed to be succeeding. He changed his lifestyle, started eating less and exercising more’€”even going so far as to change his travel route to work, so as to avoid his favorite bakery, a major temptation for him.

One morning, however, he came into work carrying a gigantic, carmel-laden coffeecake.  His co-workers began chiding him for breaking his diet, but he defended himself as follows:

“I accidentally took my old route to work this morning, driving by that bakery that makes such delicious treats.  I prayed, asking for a sign from God.  If there was an open parking spot directly in front of the bakery, that would be a sign that God wanted me to stop in and get something.  And sure enough, after my eighth circle around the block, there it was!”

A sign from God - funny story illustrating how we tend to 'use' God to excuse ourselves - and break our diets in the process!

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