Joe Biden’s Lie of the Day July 2023– It’s sad, but true — the sitting president of the USA literally lies blatantly, on a daily basis. And sometimes they’re unintentionally hilarious!
Sadly, updated daily.
Cut the National Debt by $1.7 Trillion? July 28, 2023
[Editor’s note: blatantly false – see below]
U.S. National Debt
2020 | $27,748 |
2021 | $29,617 |
2022 | $30,824 |
Biden administration cured cancer?!?July 25, 2023
[Editor’s note: This is terribly painful to anyone with a loved one who’s died from cancer. Shame on whomever’s letting him do this.]
Broken arm vs. mental breakdown?!? July 25, 2023
Slavery was beneficial?!? July 20, 2023
Our economy is stronger? July 17, 2023
Prices are up 16.6% and real wages are down 3% since Biden took office.”
Editor’s note: Anybody actually living in the USA knows that prices are up, and wages are down, from first-hand, practical experience. So, who is she trying to convince?
Real wages are DOWN, not up – July 16, 2023
Repeating the job creation lie – July 11
Affirmative action is a Constitutional right? July 8
Editor’s note: There is no Constitutional right to “affirmative action” – race based or otherwise. Open challenge: Can KJP show where, in the U.S. Constitution, this right is found? If so, we’ll gladly update this.
July 7 – Biden lowered the deficit?!?
July 7 – Bidenomics lowers costs for families?
July 7 – More jobs added than ever before?
Editor’s Note:90% of new jobs added during Biden’s term (to date) are attributed to post-pandemic return to work. Before the pandemic (February 2020) 158 million people were employed. As of May 2023, 160 million people were employed. A net gain of 2 million jobs over 38 months, or 55,000 per month on average. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Not to mention that many of those jobs are people working 2nd and 3rd jobs to make ends meet, courtesy of #Bidenomics
When alibis conflict with fact – July 7, 2023
“The Biden family was not here. They were not here. They were at Camp David. They were not here Friday. They were not here Saturday. They were not here Sunday. They were not even here Monday. They came back on Tuesday.
So to ask that question is incredibly irresponsible.”
Karine Jean-Pierre just said the Bidens were not at the White House on Friday when the cocaine was found. According to the White House pool report from Friday, all of them including Hunter were in fact there.
July 6 – driving through the Hudson Tunnel at 100 mph?!?
July 6 – pay for low wage workers has grown?
July 5 – Joe Biden has how many grandchildren?
Editor’s Note: Joe Biden has SEVEN grandchildren. He refuses to acknowledge the existence of Navy, Hunter’s illegitimate daughter.