Home » Puns » Red Skelton’s Gertrude and Heathcliff – birthday present

Red Skelton’s Gertrude and Heathcliff – birthday present

Red Skelton’s Gertrude and Heathcliff – birthday present

Red Skelton often told jokes about his seagull friends, Gertrude and Heathcliffe – two seagulls …

Gertrude says to Heathcliff, “I know we said we weren’t giving each other anything for our birthdays but this year I am giving you something.”

Heathcliffe says, “What is it?”

Gertrude says, “A divorce……..and you can have the kid too!”
Heathcliffe says, “I can have the kid?”

Gertrude says, “Yes,….I’m giving you the bird!”

–thanks to Brian Hoffman, Red Skelton impersonator

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