The problem with laryngitis

What’s the problem with laryngitis? Enjoy the joke! Clown 1: I hear you had laryngitis last week. Clown 2: Yes, and that’€™s the problem with laryngitis. Clown 1: What’€™s that?
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Human cannonball

Why did the circus go out of business when the human cannonball quit? Enjoy the joke! Clown 1: Did you know that I used to be a circus star? Clown 2: Seriously? Clown 1: Yes! I was the human cannonball! In fact, when I quit, the circus went...
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Rolls Royce as collateral

Rolls Royce as collateral
Who would use a $250,000 Rolls Royce as collateral for a small loan? A very canny business woman, that’s who! Enjoy the joke! A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. She says she is going to Europe on business...
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Apple Dumpling Gang – funny quotes

Funny movie quotes from the classic Disney film, The Apple Dumpling Gang starring Tim Conway, Don Knotts, Bill Bixby, Henry Morgan Amos Tucker (Tim Conway): How much money do you figure that dude’s got in front of him? Theodore Ogelvie (Don Knotts) : About 500. Amos Tucker (Tim Conway): 500?...
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Clown flies an airplane

You know it’s bad news when a clown flies an airplane … A clown was riding on a two-seater aircraft when the pilot had a fatal heart attack. He radioed the tower which assured him that they are experienced and will be able to help him get to...
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Have you seen a doctor?

Have you seen a doctor? A classic joke – enjoy! A man bumps into another man. The other man says ‘€œHey! Watch where you’€™re going!’€ The man says ‘€œSorry, I’€™ve been seeing spots.’€ The other man says, ‘€œOh, have you seen a doctor?’€
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Can you spell Eucalyptus

Can you spell Eucalyptus? Is that *really* the best question that the 911 operator can ask? An older couple was at home one evening having a nice quiet dinner together when the husband suddenly collapsed on the floor clutching his chest in pain. The wife rushed to the phone...
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