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Boyfriend and girlfriend jokes

Boyfriend and girlfriend jokes - not too many years ago, the idea of a male or female clown would have been anathema - but now, it's quite common. So, here are a collection of boyfriend and girlfriend jokes suitable for the way clowns think and interact
Boyfriend and girlfriend jokes – not too many years ago, the idea of a male or female clown would have been anathema – but now, it’s quite common. So, here are a collection of boyfriend and girlfriend jokes suitable for the way clowns think and interact
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Abbott and Costello meet Microsoft Windows

Abbott and Costello meet Microsoft Windows – Bud Abbott and Lou Costello became famous for their well-known “Who’s on First?” routine — if they were alive today, the routine might focus on Microsoft Windows instead ….
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50 people swindled!

50 people swindled! Look out for that newsboy … A newsboy was standing on the corner with a stack of papers, yelling, “Read all about it. Fifty people swindled! Fifty people swindled!”
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A perfect idiot

A perfect idiot Auguste Clown: I suppose you think that I’€™m a perfect idiot? Whiteface Clown: Oh, no’€”nobody’€™s perfect.  
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