7 Things Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Can Teach Us About Life

7 Things Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Can Teach Us About Life – oddly very true! Enjoy!

  1. We all have our flaws. It’s how we respond to them that matters.
  2. Don’t write off the odd ball. He just might be pulling the sleigh one day.
  3. There’s nothing like having a guy that’s good at extractions when you need to pull teeth (tame the monster).
  4. Covering up a “problem” is never the best way of dealing with it.
  5. Feeling like a “misfit” helps us to empathize with (care about) “misfits.”
  6. Even Santa (the “boss” or upper management) can learn a lesson or two.
  7. Everybody enjoys a good story with a happy ending. (Don’t we?)

Tom Raymond

Professional clown who loves to laugh - happily married for 29 years, with 5 children and 1 grandson. Servant of Jesus Christ.

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